Grade Level Expectations 5/6
Catching and throwing should be coming more natural to the players. Working the ball around on the offense shouldn’t be a struggle. Realistic shooting drills should be instilled to work on small parts of your offense. Wall ball tests should still be given. Clearing principles, defensive slide principles, offensive sets should be installed. Players should be able to go both hands. Getting more advanced with dodging and finishing techniques. Good time to start incorporating 2 man game and understanding how to use each other. Overhand shooting is pounded home. Next age we can start changing planes.
- Know the 2-3-1 offense or “13”
- Know the importance of dodge pass pass redodge
- Dodging at full speed, going from 50/60% to 100%
- Importance of timing of movement on offenses
- Proper Spacing on sets!!!
- Clearing through to find space
- Full understanding of 3v2, 4v3, and 5v4
- Knowing how to carry to overload defenses and zones
- Principle of every dodger having two outlets
Offense skills to know
- Hitch, Split Dodge, Question Mark, Step in shoot to face dodge, Step in shoot to face dodge to roll back inside
- Question Marks
- Inside Rolls
- Two man game - disguising your pick, being patient. Get your pick set first then bring your dodge into it. Importance of setting picks close to the crease
- Picks, Slip cuts, reverse picks, picks on GLE (North/south picks)
- Dip and Dunk Finish
- Placing shots on cage - Low and away
- Taking away top side
- Know how to guard the 2-3-1 or “13” - calling out 1,2,3 slides
- Grasp of 3-3 zone
- Forming the ball-you-man triangle
- Big eye man, little eye ball - Don’t ball watch!
- Importance of being in the Hub - snapping in, snapping out
- Know how to guard the two man game - Hedging picks and communication
Defense Continued
- Understanding how to guard the 3v2, 4v3, and 5v4
- Better Grasp of “showing” on Defense - Clogging up the dodging lanes and sluffin in
- Always being above your man when the ball is on the offensive side of the field
- Always get in the hole first when the ball is coming down in transition - stay away from playing defense between the restraining lines if numbers are not in your favor
- Communication!!! Over emphasize communicating in all drills. Get them comfortable with talking at an early age
Skills to know defense
- Poke Check
- Proper approach times and giving ground
- When to pop and why to pop - proper pop technique
- Importance of trailing on Defense
- Understanding where to break out to and why
- Knowing roles and making sure players are on sides if you sub your 3rd pole off
- Importance of coming back to the ball
- Man and zone rides
- Attackman shift to force the extra pass