hudslax Girls lacrosse
Welcome to Hudsonville Girls Youth Lacrosse
Our Philosophy: We want our girls to learn the fundamentals of lacrosse, have fun, and strive for excellence!
Registration: https://go.teamsnap.com/forms/349108
Email: hudsongirlsyouthlax@gmail.com
Facebook: Hudsonville Girls Lacrosse
Girls 2023 Lacrosse Board Members
Directors: Katie Farrell and Bree TenHave
Treasurer: Alicia Oldebekking
Members at Large: Nic Farrell, Ryan TenHave, Rick Bolhuis
Team Info and Coaches
7th / 8th Grade: Nic Farrell
Earned playing time
Positions will be determined by skill level and coaches discretion
5th / 6th Grade: Ryan TenHave
Managed playing time
Positions will initially be rotated and progress to skill-based and coaches discretion
3rd/4th Grade: Rick Bolhuis
Equalized playing time
Positions will be rotated in an effort to help girls learn the game
For more Information contact us at: hudsongirlsyouthlax@gmail.com